In 1971, at the age of 13, he began traveling internationally, speaking to diverse audiences about the real possibility of inner peace. At the core of his message are techniques that he makes freely available to those who wish to discover the inner experience he speaks of.
Today, Prem Rawat's message is broadcast via public channels on satellite and cable TV in more than 88 countries and 70 languages. In the US, an estimated 200 local cable networks air his addresses weekly in 33 states, reaching tens of millions of households.

Broadcasts are entirely financed by voluntary contributions and the sale of related materials. He supports himself and his family through independent means, deriving no income from the organizations that support his work.
“Within you is the most amazing feeling you can possibly imagine. All that you look for, that you have looked for all your life, has always been right inside you. This is a gift that you have, and I can show you a way to get in touch with it.”
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