Sunday, March 22, 2009

Prem Rawat Maharaji Biography Page 23

This short biography is far from complete. The authors will update it as the journey continues and Prem Rawat's influence continues to unfold. Hopefully the previous pages have given some insight into this man of peace.

The following testimonials were written by some who have met him. Most of these people have known him for 3 decades or more.

I have great admiration for Prem Rawat as a leading voice for peace because of his absolute refusal to allow anything to contaminate the integrity of his teachings. He has a unique understanding about the self and about life. He gives a fresh perspective that has little to do with the scales of success and failure. That is freedom. — S.H.

Someone recently asked, “ Hasn’t he been traveling the world for well over 30 years. Doesn’t he get tired?" There are times when he looks tired but his commitment to his vision invigorates him. The constant connection between himself and his students is fascinating to watch. He is an extremely congruent human being committed to his life’s purpose. I am fortunate to have met him and been able to call him my teacher. — J.L.

Prem Rawat’s message is one of hope and peace, and he has inspired millions throughout the world. Prem Rawat reminds us that magic begins with people, and its within each person. That the possibility of peace and the possibility of living a life to the fullest begins with recognizing the value of life itself. That is, in my opinion is the deepest learning and is certainly a curriculum for everyone. — E.P.

I never thought I would see someone who lived each day as his last with such elegance. It appears that he squeezes the very last drop of enjoyment out of the moment and than it’s on to the next with no regret. That’s my experience of a remarkable human being. — G.T.

Over the years I have come to admire Prem Rawat’s passion for existence and I remain enthused by the content of his message in my own personal growth as a human being. It has had a serious impact --sometimes a source of strength when required, sometimes a force for stability when everything else shifted. And I must confess that even in my career, it has helped me develop a world-view that underpins my thinking and writing. — R.J.

I see Prem Rawat as a great man of peace ---fearless and relentless in his mandate of reminding people of their own limitless capacity for joy, and showing them how to get it. I have never known someone who can be so profoundly serious and totally hilarious in the one brief encounter. At the very least he is making people laugh again. He says what I call uncertainty he calls unfolding and this always makes me relax and enjoy the journey. He is kind beyond measure and his example has inspired me to levels of compassion and understanding that I could not have dreamed about. For me he is a loyal attentive and protective friend who reminds me to turn on my light to see where I am going. It works! — J.W.

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