Sunday, March 22, 2009

Prem Rawat Maharaji Biography Page 20

"When I was very young, people were looking for the "old silver-haired guru with the flowing white robes." I was only eight. When people were flocking to India in their search, I was in the West.

"When people were looking for sophisticated discourses, I spoke of simple things.
When people wanted nirvana, I said, "You need peace."
When people said, "Tell us of scriptures." I said, "Look within you."
When people asked, "What is your qualification." I said, "judge me by what I offer."

"To this day, people want to see me the way they want to. After all, I guess it is rather inconvenient to see things how they really are. I have evolved, but my message stays the same. Externally, I have changed, but within me, something stays the same."

He has since revamped his web site, now offering a selection of his poetry and music. (Maharaji's site:

Then, in 2000, he introduced his computer-based presentation of the techniques of Knowledge. Initially it was only used for Knowledge reviews, but soon began to be used to teach the Knowledge techniques to new students. Volunteer staff were fully trained in the operation of the equipment. The staff were required to maintain their certification and to undertake reviews in order to ensure their delivery of the material on his behalf remained fresh and up-to-date. Prem had established quality control over the delivery of Knowledge. He continues to personally supervise new content and software upgrades.

For more information about the Knowledge that Maharaji teaches, please see

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